ABOUT ARTS-MSM Precollege Faculty Union

ARTS-MSM union members holding banner with 1500+ petition signatures in front of the Manhattan School of Music

Adam Kent, President
David Friend, Interim co-Vice President
Adrienne Kim, Interim co-Vice President
Elena Belli, Treasurer
Karen Rostron, Secretary

Association Representing Teachers at Manhattan School of Music ARTS-MSM, Local 6498 New York State United Teachers for the MSM Precollege Faculty.


— Blocking MSM’s demand to increase class sizes for students. 

— Insisting that faculty wages meet industry standards so that we can stop losing faculty to other institutions 

— Blocking scheduling policies that would make it impossible for teachers with performance careers to maintain their faculty positions at MSM Precollege. 

— Blocking a proposal by MSM to limit non-sick day absenteeism, which would have made it impossible for teachers with performing careers to maintain their faculty positions at MSM Precollege.

— Demanding a budget with students’ interest at its heart: a budget focused on education does not spend 75% of tuition money on things other than teaching!


What protections does union representation provide?

  • Preventing unilateral changes to terms and conditions of employment not negotiated with the union.

  • Ensuring the right for employees to be accompanied by a union representative to any meeting with the employer which may result in discipline.

What kinds of subjects can the Union bargain over?
Terms and conditions of employment, including wages and benefits, a just-cause standard for discipline, workplace rules and policies, etc.

What are the benefits of being an ARTS-MSM member?

  • The right to have a voice in determining our priorities in bargaining, including responding to member surveys, attending open membership meetings, and participating in bargaining sessions.

  • The right to run for or vote for union officers.

  • The right to participate in a strike authorization vote.

  • The right to approve contracts.

  • The right to approve proposed changes to our constitution or by-laws.

What are some of ARTS-MSM’s most important achievements?

  • Creating a fair and transparent process for assigning work.

  • Providing job security through multi-year contracts and a just-cause standard for discipline.

  • Raising minimum hourly pay levels by 25% in our first contract and an additional 20% in our second.

  • Increasing annual hourly raises for lower-paid teachers from $1 to $2 an hour in our first contract and $1.75 in our second.

  • Preventing MSM from banning Precollege faculty from requesting rooms for supplemental lessons and personal rehearsals.

  • Negotiating caps in core class sizes.

Can MSM retaliate against me for becoming an ARTS-MSM member or participating in union activities?

No. You have a federally protected right to engage in union activity. To date, ARTS-MSM has not received a single report of retaliation.

What is a grievance?

A grievance is an allegation that our Collective Bargaining Agreement has been violated. If a faculty member or the Union believe this has occurred, they may choose to initiate a 3-step process to resolve the grievance. The final step in this process is binding arbitration by a neutral third party.

What does ARTS-MSM’s status as a “local” mean?

We write and approve our own constitution and by-laws, determine the amount and structure of dues, decide what to bargain for, how to enforce our contract, and how to organize to achieve our goals.

What does our affiliation with NYSUT (New York State United Teachers) mean?

NYSUT supports us by providing staff and resources for the following, among other things:

  • Negotiating contracts

  • Providing legal support

  • Sharing the costs of arbitrations

  • Amplifying our voice and advocating for our members

Are union officers paid?

No, ARTS-MSM officers volunteer their time for the benefit of all MSM Precollege faculty.

I belong to NYSUT through another institution. Do I still have to join ARTS-MSM?

Yes. Membership in another NYSUT local does not make you a member of ARTS-MSM.

Where does our dues money go?

A portion of ARTS-MSM membership dues goes to NYSUT, our parent union, as well as its national affiliates the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA). The funds retained by ARTS-MSM are used exclusively for organizing and contract enforcement. 

What can I do to help ARTS-MSM win the most favorable contract for me and my colleagues?

  • Confirm your membership status.

  • Participate in activities which demonstrate our solidarity, such as signing petitions, attending rallies and other public actions, spreading the word to parents and anyone else who cares about music teachers, attending bargaining sessions on Zoom, and following communications from ARTS-MSM.